3rd Federal Congress on Cultural School Development: Jr.-Prof. Dr. Klopsch on personality development and motivation of pupils in cultural schools.
"What’s next for schools after the pandemic?” – KIT Research Project Develops Hybrid Learning Environments
Stefan Fuchs talks to Jr. Prof. Dr. Britta Klopsch about the current research project on hybrid learning. A Campus Report from 02.03.2021.
The Corona pandemic shows: traditional learning in the classroom cannot be easily replaced. However, it also has revealed that schools need to move in the direction of digitalization in and out of the classroom if they are going to advance student learning. If digitalization is to succeed in schools, we need to do more than just equip students with tablets and software applications. In countries, like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, digital learning is already more advanced than in Germany. Hybrid learning environments - that is combining learning at school with digital learning and remote learning - in these countries have been in existence for almost a decade.
A joint-research project between Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the University of Heidelberg wants to use the corona crisis as an opportunity to develop a rubric model for hybrid learning that will help educators around the world to establish hybrid learning environments in their own schools.
[LINK] to the interview (in German)

The Volkswagen Foundation is funding “Transforming the 'Grammar of Schooling’: Hybrid Learning Environments for the Digital Knowledge Society" with 120,000 euros in the “Corona Crisis and Beyond” initiative.
The researchers led by Junior Professor Britta Klopsch from the Institute of Vocational and General Education at KIT and Professor Anne Sliwka from the Institute of Educational Science at Heidelberg University will be conducting interviews with school principals and educational scientists from New Zealand, Australia and Canada, among others, who have extensive experience in hybrid learning environments.