Prof. Dr. Martin Fischer
- ehemalige Professur für Berufspädagogik
- m fischer ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Hertzstr. 16
76187 Karlsruhe
Curriculum Vitae
Martin Fischer studied psychology at the University of Hamburg, specialising in industrial and organisational psychology. He began his university career in 1986 at the "Institut Technik & Bildung" at the University of Bremen, where he completed his doctorate in 1992 on the topic of "Understanding of technology by skilled workers in the realm of vocational training and work experience". In 1998 he habilitated on the topic "From work experience to work process knowledge".
Prof. Fischer has been involved in numerous European and national research and development projects as a staff member and leader - among other things, he supervised the first nationwide pilot programme in the field of vocational education and training "New learning concepts in dual vocational education and training" and the BMBF/BIBB pilot programme "Quality development and assurance in in-company vocational education and training".
His field of activity at the Institute for Vocational and General Education at KIT Karlsruhe was in the area of teaching in the degree programme in engineering pedagogy (teachers and trainers in the industrial-technical field) and in the B.A.- M.A. degree programme in pedagogy (focus on vocational pedagogy). His main research interests are: Work-oriented competence development; didactics of vocational education, organisational learning and innovations in vocational education.